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Dispelling Mortgage Myths

Dispelling Mortgage Myths

We’ve all heard a lot of mortgage advice from friends, finance gurus, and other sources. Some of it is good, but a lot is just bad. Whether outdated, too simplistic, or just wrong, these mortgage myths may cost borrowers time and money. Myth 1: You need a 20% down...
Mid-Year Business Checkup

Mid-Year Business Checkup

Although it may be hard to believe we’re halfway through the year already, this is a great time to do a checkup to ensure your business is on track to reach your goals for the year. Here are the steps you can take to assess your progress so far. Revisit Your Goals...
Post-Closing Content

Post-Closing Content

After you close on a new mortgage or a refinance, do your borrowers go on their merry way, forgetting all about you? Keeping that relationship active will not only improve your word-of-mouth marketing but also ensure that you are the first person borrowers turn to...
The Green Revolution

The Green Revolution

Environmental challenges may be driving more homebuyers to look for green features. You can help them connect with these sustainable homes and take advantage of green loan types. Sustainable Home Features Although many buyers may be on the lookout for visible green...
Business Budgeting

Business Budgeting

Besides paying your expenses and a salary for yourself, are you meeting other business needs? And do you know how well your business is performing financially on any given day? If not, a budget might be the tool you need for your brokerage. Here is how to create and...